Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just a bit early...

but, just in case anyone is curious, so far it looks like Palin's effect on the race isn't amazing (when you get down to demographic polls). The McCain-Palin ticket manages a slight increase in Republican white women, but otherwise everything (including both independent men and women) is shifting toward Obama. Also, "...[o]ver half [of the women polled] (52%) say the Obama-Biden ticket has more experience, while only 37% say McCain-Palin is more experienced. Not only did the Palin pick negate McCain's experience "argument," as many commented, but it actually completely erased McCain's advantage, among women, in just a few short weeks."

I'm not quite sure what the author means by "a few short weeks," since Palin has obviously only been a factor for a matter of days, but still interesting stuff...

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