Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Republicans on Palin

Josh Marshall just posted this conversation between Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy. I had heard some rumblings that there were a lot of political consultants and general insiders, who are more than a little annoyed about McCain's choice.

Of course, these "whispers" are probably not that big of a deal for the campaign (the spin is relatively easy- "of course 'insiders' will be pissed off that McCain is "bucking tradition.")

Still, I agree with them that it has got to be hard to be Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, or either of the senators from Maine (Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe). All have substantially more experience...but, they all also happen to be pro-choice. Rice was obviously out because he could never beat the "McSame" charges with her serving as vice-president...

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